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Join Us for "100 in 1 Day" Vancouver, June 6th 2015

Welcome to our community event for 100 in 1 Day
We are inviting people to sit together, silently, for a few minutes or longer in outdoor community spaces. It is slowing the world down and noticing what we smell, hear, taste and feel. It is noticing our thoughts, without judgement, the clever ones right along with the harebrained ones.
It is turning off our digital devices and turning on our capacity for stillness, focus, wonder, creativity, compassion, and awe.
You can stay for one minute or stay for the whole half hour. We will help you get settled and get started.
Our goal is to connect to each other in the space of silence, where we give ourselves an opportunity to notice the power of silence and just for a few moments to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary.
We invite you to come sit in silence with us as long as you wish, as often as you wish. Your host has volunteered his or her time to share simple, time-honored techniques with the hope of deeply enhancing your life and the health of our communities.

Silence and contemplative practices have been a part of every culture and every religion since the beginning of time. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to meditate. We welcome you to practice whatever form of meditation or mindfulness is best for you.

If you need help entering the silence, you can read our tips below, investigate our site for articles, research and other information, ask your City Silence host for ideas, and/or download guided meditations and journeys to download into your digital device.

Tips & Guidelines

i. Become quiet and comfortable, relaxed and alert.

ii. Bring your attention to the present moment and wonder at the world around you. See if you can enter a state of "not knowing" or allow yourself to pretend you are experiencing things with a fresh set of eyes.

iii. Step out of your everyday 'story' and things you have to do that day - and step into a sense of mystery to the present moment.

iv. Become aware of the breath and really savor the physical sensations of each breath moving in and out of your body. Allow you attention to rest gently on awareness of the breath.

v. If you find your thoughts distracting then just gently guide you mind back to an awareness of your breath or to the awareness of the sights and sounds around you. 
vi. Savor each moment in your own unique way and in a way that make sense to you. Enjoy !
Please note new location: The covered seated area next to Brown's Social House (opposite the duck pond) on Granville Island. Seating space is limited so please arrive early. You may wish to bring a folding seat, yoga mat or cushion if you wish to use the open community space (the waterpark) right behind the covered seating area.
All levels welcome. You are free to arrive and sit with us at any time and to stay as long as you wish up to 10.30am.