About Sage Mindfulness
We specialize in delivering mindfulness-based seminars, conference keynotes workshops and multi-week programs that address the challenges of the modern home and workplace. We have delivered workshops to the following communities::
Higher Education
We believe that men and women are redefining for themselves, how to live a productive yet deeply fulfilling life.
But today, more is required of us as people, or employees than ever before.
We work and live in an age where attention and our wellbeing is under assault. Performance pressure, distraction, a rapidly changing business landscape, as well as interpersonal conflict are depleting our essential resources - our attention and emotional resilience.
But in today's increasingly demanding world, how do you find the mental and emotional space to thrive ?
We are passionate about sharing and teaching the skills of mindful awareness (mindfulness).
We will teach you to cultivate a new quality of attention and presence - "the power of the now", that truly allows you and your organization to thrive.
Currently offering private online mindfulness coaching sessionsfor anxiety related issues, addiction/relapse recovery. Enquire for rates.
Contact Bruce for more information: 604-771-1634 or bruce@brucemccoubrey.ca
Our programs, workshops and seminars are designed to help individuals, parents, corporate teams, address the problems of the modern home and workplace:
Learn the essential neuroscience of focus, awareness and wellbeing
Develop emotional resilience to prevent burnout
Mindful tools and strategies to deal with with conflict more effectively
Improved interpersonal relationships and sleep
Enjoy a greater sense of well-being, clarity and ease at work and home
What You'll Learn With Us
What can I expect in your programs or events?
Each session, workshop or presentation is a well balanced combination of experiental learning, or skills training and bite sized chunks of neuroscience and group discussions or feedback. Skill training includes professionally led individual mindful awareness exercises and shared discussions and insights. Greater emphasis is placed on experiential learning i.e., learning by doing and reflecting briefly on our experience. All the exercises are simple, practical and designed to be doable within the context of busy lives.
What are the specific skills I will come away with?
Training your attention and focus
Attention is the basis of all higher cognitive and emotional abilities. You'll learn to train your attention to create a quality of mind that is both calm and alert. This quality of mind forms the foundation for emotional intelligence, decision making, engaged relationships and problem solving.
Enhancing Your Self Knowledge and Self Awareness
Use trained attention and awareness to understand cognitive and emotional processes. This knowledge provides the individual with the ability to skillfully navigate emotions in times of challenge, change or stress.
Creating Useful Habits and Leadership Skills
Develop the habits of leading with empathy and emotional intelligence to communicate with insight. These habits can be trained and can create trust, leadership qualities, and authentic relationships that lead to highly productive collaborations.What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality - Plutarch
"Neuroscience research shows us that attention is the fundamental energy of the mind. How we use our attention will dictate the habits we form, the emotions we experience and the outcomes we create." - Bruce McCoubrey, Sage Mindfulness
What People Are Saying
"Bruce is a great guide..very engaging and a well thought out course"
Mindfulness @ Work Participant
Bruce, I greatly appreciate your facilitation approach and experience. I’ll be recommending the course to colleagues.
K. Leahy, Vancouver
"..the voice recordings that we could download and keep have been extremely useful both during and after the course; I continually revisit these to guide my mindfulness practice at home...Finally, the retreat day was a very helpful and fruitful aspect of the course...It was an amazing experience to spend so much focused time on mindfulness..."
Christina Hendricks
Professor of Teaching
Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia-Vancouver
Bruce McCoubrey is an emerging leader in field of mindfulness in Western Canada.
He is also a veteran of teaching mindfulness in schools and has coached thousands of grades 8 and 9s through their first encounters with mindfulness, using the Mindful Schools Curriculum, on behalf of the Crisis Centre in Vancouver, BC.
He is also a trained facilitator of Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention, a direct descendent of the acclaimed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program.
Bruce has recently been delivering the pioneering 6 week Mindfulness @ Work program to faculty and staff at the University of British Columbia each Spring and Fall for the last three years in partnership with MindwellU.
A visionary and dynamic speaker, Bruce is based out of the Vancouver, BC area and leads trainings in Canada. He is highly regarded for his down-to-earth training and speaking style.
Bruce continues his mindfulness education with regular study personal practice and retreat time. I am particularly focused on helping individuals establish a long term practice that is enriching and rewarding.
Bruce McCoubrey
Mindfulness Educator
Guided Mindfulness Meditations for Beginners
Classic Mindfulness Meditations to Build Your PracticeThe Science of Mindfulness
Don't take our word for it. Over 690 research studies on mindfulness were published in 2017. The results are compelling in many areas that affect human health and well being. It improves focus, mental clarity, decision making, creativity as well as empathy and pro-social behaviours.
Mindfulness also shows long terms improvements in anxiety and stress related disorders, depression. It has also been shown to improve immune function.
"So many people can benefit (from mindfulness): product managers who need to manage multiple projects and have information charging at them from all over the company; managers who have employees who need them fully present but their minds are on a million other things; engineers who get interrupted during very deep coding sessions and need to get back to that space as quickly as possible; high-level executives who need to see the big picture and need to make space to foster innovation rather than control. The ability to synchronize our mind with our body supports all of these common daily challenges. We can always ask how embodied we are in any given moment.”
-Michelle Gale, Twitter Leadership & Development Program
11 Hours
NEUROSCIENTISTS have also found that, after just 11 HOURS of meditation, practitioners had structural changes in the part of the brain involved in monitoring our FOCUS and SELF CONTROL.
Research from 163 DIFFERENT STUDIES suggested that mindfulness-meditation practice had an overall POSITIVE EFFECT on improving anxiety and stress.
20 Minutes
A US experiment found that just four days of training for just 20 minutes per day could help on a battery of cognitive tests. The researchers discovered that the mindfulness meditation practitioners performed particularly well on tasks with time constraints, suggesting that mindfulness could be useful for any of us who have to work to deadlines too
Connect With Us!
We are based in Vancouver
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Call us at 604-771-1634, fill out the form below or email:sagemindfulness@gmail.com
I’m new to mindfulness, will this be over my head?
Our programs, seminars and workshops are tailored to our clients needs. They are designed for people who are serious about reaching their full potential in business and life. If you’re committed to using the mindfulness practices to cultivate new qualities of awareness, focus and empathy then you’ll love what we share with you.
When Are Your Next Programs?
Stay tuned! We are planning new events for 2021, watch this space of sign up for our event announcements..
What is mindfulness meditation anyway?
No candles or incense required! Our programs are designed for the modern individual. There are essentially two types of meditation: concentration training and awareness training. The role of empathy and pro-social responses is also an integral part of teaching for adults and youth. You will also learn how to use your emotions more skillfully and flexibly to develop greater emotional resilience. This type of training allows you to find greater ease and freedom from habits that limit our potential or cause us suffering.
How will I find the time to fit this into my schedule?
We teach mindfulness in action. The skills we teach are designed to be integrated into a busy life. Almost everyone I teach starts out feeling "how can i find time for this". If you have two, or even ten, minutes free in a day then you can benefit. We'll teach you strategies to start and maintain a practice during a busy work and home life. Our belief is that we can bring mindful awareness to any action - even taking a shower or going for a walk.
Do I need to bring anything?
Bring an open heart, open mind and your favourite pen. We’ll provide worksheets and other materials you'll need to make the most of the sessions. The focus on our sessions is using our own direct experience and reflecting on what we experience in the sessions as our primary teaching materials. Mindfulness is not about theory or book learning.
What if I take medications or am currently under the guidance of a physician, psychiatrist or counsellor?
Mindfulness is a life skill. It is not counselling or therapy in any form. We do not advise on medical or psychological conditions, medications or diagnoses. However we do ask that you disclose these to us prior to participating. Seek advice from your physician before embarking on mindfulness training if you have any concerns. If we feel mindfulness is not appropriate for you, we will suggest other avenues to explore.
What should I wear?
Wear something you feel comfortable in, generally looser fitting clothing will be best.
What happens in a typical session?
Each program, workshop or presentation can have a theme we will explore (i.e "Reducing Stress, Emotional Resilience"). The session usually starts with an orientation to the theme, a review of some of the reading and neuroscience on the subject. Then we practice developing mindfulness skills around this theme using guided mindfulness practices. We then share any insights and experiences from our home practice that may benefit ourselves and the group. We end with a review of what we've learned and your instructor sets a practice assignment and reading for the coming week.
We make our presentations, entertaining, informative and give participants the opportunity to try simple practices they can take and use anywhere in their work and home life.
The Blog
Latest Mindfulness News and Trends from Around the World
November 22, 2024As we contemplate turning the corner into a New Year, some of us will be turning our minds to improvements we wish to make to how we engage with ourselves and the world. Mindfulness meditation is a practice that encourages us to be fully present, fostering awareness and acceptance in the moment...April 27, 2019If you attended Social Media Camp 2019, you'll know that I'll be posting my 4 minute mindfulness audio and a short cheat sheet guide to the 4 steps in the practice. The MP3 audio file and the exercise guide will be posted in the next 72 hours. If you joined us at SMC 2019 to hear me and my...Effectiveness of a meditation-based stress reduction program in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Kabat-Zinn J., et al. (1992). American Journal of Psychiatry. 1992 Jul;149(7):936-43. This seminal study explored the effectiveness of a stress reduction program based on mindfulness meditation...More Posts
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